How to Solve Linksys Extender Blinking Green Light?
The Linksys extender is easy to install in any area of the house. You just have to plug it on optimal location and connect it to the router via WPS method, which is called Linksys extender setup.
Here, you will get to know about the meaning of the Linksys extender Blinking green light, reasons and how to solve it with the help of simple solutions.
Meaning of Linksys Extender Blinking Green
The Linksys extender show many colors on the power LED like blinking green, solid green, solid orange, blinking orange, orange and green. Now, let’s discuss about Linksys extender blinking green light.
Meaning: There is several meaning of the blinking green light on the extender. It can be extender is starting, resetting to factory defaults, or it is updating the firmware version.
If all the status is neutral and your Linksys extender blinking green color, then you should know what could be its reasons and how to solve it.
Reasons and Solutions Linksys Blinking Green
1. Extender placement
Placement or plugging your WiFi extender will be an important part of the setup of the Linksys extender. If it is plugged in the socket where electronic devices are nearby, then you will face troubles.
The simple solution to this problem is to make sure that the router and extender location or spot is optimal. You should make sure that there is no electronic device near to the networking devices.
2. Connected too many devices
The green light will not go off if the extender network is connect to many internet devices (above the extender limit).
You must disconnect some of the internet devices to dispel the problem. after disconnecting the devices, you should reboot the device once.
3. Connection issues
The internet disconnection and router disconnection issues will also be a reason why your Linksys extender blinking green.
You must check that the router is receiving the internet signals or it is even connected to the modem or ISP server socket.
4. Hardware problem
The Ethernet cable is use to connect the router to the modem to receive and send internet signals. if it damaged then you will face the internet and connection problems.
Make sure that you are using the good condition Ethernet cable and no cuts on it. Also, double check the WPS connection between the router and Extender.
The other solutions of the problem is reset the extender by long pressing the RESET pinhole button with the pin or sharp object. After it you have to start the Linksys extender login process again.
The Conclusion
Here, in this blog post, you have seen and learned about the Linksys extender blinking green light. We have given you information about the reasons and solutions to turn it off.