Linksys Node Not Connecting Issue: Troubleshooting Solutions
Overcrowded channel, outdated firmware, technical glitches, improper power supply, WiFi interference, and weak cable connection are some reasons that cause the Linksys node not connecting issue. Many users who own Linksys Velop device has been trying to wrap their heads around how this issue can be resolved. By any chance, if you are also lining in the same queue, then we are glad you landed on this blog post.
Here, we have thoroughly explained all the solutions through which the issue in debate can be fixed. You just need to walk through them. Make sure that you do so without reading too fast as it can stop you from understanding what exactly needs to be done thereby leading to frustration and inviting more technical issues to the table.
How to Fix Linksys Node Not Connecting Issue?
i. Check the Power Being Supplied
As mentioned prior to this segment of the blog post, an improper or interrupted power supply is one of the major reasons why you are experiencing the Linksys node not connecting problem. Given this, you should consider using another wall socket to supply power to your networking device. Once done, check whether the issue which you have been facing has been resolved or not. In case you are still facing it, continue reading.
ii. Eliminate the WiFi Interference
Check for any electronic devices or transmitting appliances around the nodes, as they can cause WiFi interruptions. Their examples include cordless phones, washing machines, baby monitors, treadmills, televisions, microwave ovens, refrigerators, and Bluetooth speakers. In case they are kept the node, then you should relocate it and ensure that you are not keeping it near any of the above-mentioned examples. Also, do not keep it in corners.
iii.Reduce the Unwanted Distance
Once the Linksys Velop extender setup using the Linksys extender login details has been completed, users are supposed to move the nodes to a location which has no WiFi service. However, where they go wrong is, that they place the nodes away from the main device. Chances are that you have done the same thing due to which the Linksys Velop node not connecting problem has been troubling you. So, ensure that they are kept within the range.
iv. Power Cycle the Velop Device
In case the Linksys Velop node not connecting problem is still bothering you, then you should think twice before power cycling your networking device. Are you confused as to what power cycling means? Well, it is just another word used for restart. Thus, you just have to restart the node. For the execution of this process, you ought to press the power button OFF and ON. Do not forget to wait for 30 SECONDSin the middle.
v. Upgrade the Velop Firmware
Even though you have implemented every solution presented above, are you still stuck with the Linksys node not connecting problem? Well, that is not good. To help you troubleshoot it, we would recommend you update the firmware of the device. For this, you need to launch the Linksys application, log in using the admin login credentials, see if any firmware update is available, and hit UPDATE. Soon your Velop device will get updated.
Need Help?
In case the instructions given above were not helpful, and you are looking for a detail procedure, then do not think twice before reading the ones which are given in the user manual of your product. You will find every little thing about your WiFi device in there.
vi. Reset the Linksys Velop Device
This is the last attempt that one can make to resolve the Linksys node not connecting problem once and for all. Resetting the device is not hard, however, if you still feel that you will mess up, here is what you need to do: look for the reset button on the device. When you find it, press it carefully. As soon as the process comes to an end, your Velop will start rebooting. Let is reboot in peace. It is suggested that you do not interrupt the process.
On a Final Note
These were some topmost troubleshooting tips through which the Linksys node not connecting problem can be resolved. In case the same issue is behind your back, it means that there is a need to power cycle the entire WiFi network. Thus, do as required. To learn how the same can be put to action, take our advice and go through the instructions which have been given in the product or user manual of your Linksys Velop model.